Contact Us

Our advisors, agents and specialists can answer your questions about applications, costs, living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and getting the support you need to adjust to university life in a new country.

Talk to a recruiter
One-on-one advising is available for new applicants or future students. Book an appointment online, call or email to speak with an international recruiter.
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Study Permit Feedback

If you are applying for your first study permit to Canada, you may book an initial study permit feedback appointment with an international student specialist.

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Ask a student

Connect with current international students on the Ambassador Platform. Get first-hand insights on programs, campus events and more—create an account to get started.

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Additional international advising contacts

MacEwan International works with select educational agents to assist students with coming to MacEwan University. For a list of authorized educational agents, email

Agents can assist you with:

  • Applications, program information, tuition fees and forms
  • Applying for immigration permits if the agent is a member of the CICC

Educational agents cannot guarantee admission into MacEwan programs. Applicants are responsible for ensuring they meet requirements, fee payments and deadlines.

Some agents may charge a small processing and/or service fee.

Please be cautious. MacEwan cannot guarantee the legitimacy of any other agencies and cautions you against using an agent not on our list.

If you are an agent applying on behalf of an international student, please email with your questions.

If you have questions about the status of your application, contact the admissions unit in the Office of the University Registrar.


International students should direct immigration-related questions to an international student specialist at MacEwan International or contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) directly.

Only Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs), Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs) or Canadian lawyers can provide immigration services or advice according to law.

RCICs and RISIAs at MacEwan International offer free immigration consultations, advice and presentations on study permits, work options and eligibility, and pathways to permanent residency for current students. After you have accepted an offer of admission from MacEwan University and paid your confirmation deposit, you may arrange to meet one-on-one with a regulated immigration specialist at MacEwan International and/or attend an immigration workshop.


Immigration Information for Current Students

We help new students settle into life in Edmonton, prepare for their studies, build community and find services and resources on campus and around the city. Visit the MacEwan International office when you arrive in Canada and throughout your studies. This is your home away from home on campus and you can ask us for directions and support.

INTERNATIONAL Student Services

International recruiters are the best source of information for future international students. They may refer you to an academic advisor in the MacEwan Academic Advising Centre or in your faculty or school for some questions.

MacEwan Academic Advising Centre

Faculty/School Advisors


If you are from a recruitment agency, or would like information about authorized educational agents please email

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