Student Experience Record

Your university experience is about more than lectures and textbooks. It’s also about all of the opportunities and experiences that campus life has to offer. Participate in extracurricular activities that interest you and then track your involvement on your Student Experience Record, setting yourself up for success at MacEwan—and in your future career.

Get involved, get skills, get noticed

Sports, arts, leadership, debate, academics, lifestyle—participate in a range of on-campus experiences that build confidence and support your career goals. When you create a Student Experience Record (SER), you can track your involvement in campus activities and then use your SER to enhance resumés and applications.

For an activity to be SER-eligible, it must meet these criteria:

  • Have a clear connection to MacEwan University.
  • Be connected to a faculty or staff member who can verify your participation.
  • Foster active student engagement.
  • Extend beyond the scope of academic course requirements.
  • Support the development of at least one of the MacEwan University Career Readiness Competencies.

The following are examples of SER-eligible experiences:

  • On-campus volunteering
  • Student club/group membership
  • Student governance positions and unpaid leadership roles
  • Paid employment, leadership roles and research assistant positions
  • Mentorship or peer services to other students
  • Participation in varsity athletics
  • MacEwan-organized events that record participation
  • Orientation sessions, workshops and conferences

Some extracurricular activities are not eligible for the SER, including the following:

  • Field courses/trips and other curricular activities necessary to meet course requirements
  • Attendance at social events (such as concerts, student mixers, social gatherings) not organized by MacEwan
  • Activities where you hold a title but has no active responsibilities

If you would like to explore or create SER-eligible experience that takes place outside of MacEwan, email the SER team.

If you are unsure if an experience is SER eligible, email the SER team for clarification.

What activities interest you?

Speakers’ series, conference volunteers and presenters, Book of the Year contests, the Pride Day parade, human rights advocacy—all kinds of extracurricular activities are available to you. Find opportunities that interest you and get started on creating your Student Experience Record.

Note: Some activities on the Opportunities page are not SER eligible.

Find opportunities

Create your Student Experience Record

After you create your SER in the portal on MacEwanLife, you can search for eligible experiences on

We recommend that you add your experiences to your record during the academic year in which you do them. After you complete an SER-eligible experience, follow these steps to add it to your record.

  • Login to MacEwan Life and select Student Experience Record.
    • Select Add Experience.
    • Choose your preferred method for adding an experience:
      • Saved items: Save posts as you browse opportunities and turn them into SER-eligible experiences.
      • New entry: Enter the details of your experience.
      • Events: Events that track attendance can be added to your record automatically.
      • Activities: Find the activity you participated in and add it to your record.
    • Fill out the form with relevant details.
    • Add skills.
    • Request verification: You will automatically receive an email about your verification status. Only experiences verified by a MacEwan faculty or staff member appear on your official record.

You receive an automated notification email whenever you add an experience to your record.

You can customize your Student Experience Record to include your cumulative experiences or to showcase specific experiences that help you achieve your goals. To customize, go to the SER portal, select My Student Experience Record and choose which experiences you want to include.

You can download and print a PDF copy of your Student Experience Record. You can also share it in resumés for prospective employers and in applications for scholarships, grants or graduate studies.

Email the Student Experience team.