Using a variety of online learning modules to best fit your needs, you can find up-to-date information on health and wellness. Complete all the learning modules to qualify for experiential record recognition.
myHealth at MacEwan is a self-enroll course accessible on the paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs platform.
Use the quicklinks menu on to access paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs:
- Log in to mêskanâs
- Click on ‘Home’ at the top left of the page
- Click on ‘Student Resources’
- Click on ‘myHealth at MacEwan’
- Click ‘Enrol Me’
Email bennells@macewan.caWellness and psychological services
This opportunity/event is eligible for your Student Experience Record (SER). Find out more and create your SER in the MacEwanLife portal.