Mental health is an essential component of your overall wellness. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or want to reach out and be proactive about your mental health, you can talk to us. We are here for you. 

The Wellness and Psychological Services office provides all MacEwan students with free, confidential, short-term individual and group counselling, and case management. We also host events, workshops and other activities. We support faculty and staff by answering their questions about wellness supports.  

Our team consists of registered psychologists, registered provisional psychologists, clinical social workers, masters-level counselling and clinical social work practicum students, a registered nurse and a peer health education team. Our goal is to help you gain the skills and confidence you need to reach your personal, academic and career potential.

Curious about counselling

Are you curious about counselling services, but not sure if you're ready? Try one of these options first. What you learn may help you decide.

How can we help you?

Here at Wellness and Psychological Services, we work with students dealing with a wide array of concerns, challenges and questions around mental health. Here’s a look at what you can expect when you reach out to us.


Uniformed security officers patrol all university buildings and will respond to your call immediately. Students in distress will be connected with a member of the student of concern team.

780-497-5555 Urgent/On Campus

911 Police/Fire/Ambulance


The Edmonton Distress Line provides 24/7 confidential, non-judgmental and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress.


Toll free 1-800-232-7288