MacEwan University’s leadership is responsible for inspiring students, staff and faculty while providing an innovative and exciting learning environment.

The President and Vice-Chancellor, along with vice-presidents, is responsible for managing the educational and business affairs with the best interests of the university in mind.

As the leader of the senior management team, the president and vice-chancellor ensures that MacEwan University is continually fulfilling its mandate and achieving its strategic goals.

more about President Trimbee

The provost and vice-president, Academic, is responsible for promoting a culture of academic excellence at MacEwan University and maintaining the university’s reputation as a student-focused institution.

more about Dr. Monk

The vice-president, University Relations, is responsible for the strategic leadership and management of the university's government and community relations, alumni and development, sustainability, marketing and communications, and website functions.

More about the VPUR

The vice-president, Finance and Administration & CFO, is responsible for the financial management and planning of the university along with human resources, facilities management, information technology, audit and risk management, and campus services including sports and recreation, our residence and food services.

More about Maureen Lomas

The general counsel manages the provision of all legal services for the university.

More about Jason Fung

Administrative Committees

Executive Council

Executive Council (EC) reviews all matters requiring advice, endorsement, and/or approval by the Board of Governors and Board Committees prior to submission to the Board Office. Under the authority of the President, EC considers all matters relating to the mandate and strategic priorities of the university. Academic matters, at the discretion of the Provost & Vice-President, Academic, may also be brought forward for consideration.

Executive Council Terms of Reference

Deans' Council

The Deans’ Council brings together the university’s senior academic leaders to advise the university’s executive team on strategy, policy, and standards. the group's regular meetings focus on institutional progress toward the goals of strategic and operational plans related to academic matters.

Deans' Council Terms of Reference

MacEwan University Organizational Chart