General Counsel

Jason Fung

MacEwan’s General Counsel, Jason Fung, manages the provision of all legal services for the university.

About Jason Fung

Jason Fung most recently served as a senior legal counsel with the Department of Justice and Solicitor General of the Government of Alberta. He has served as lead counsel on many high-profile, province-wide initiatives, including the Calgary 2026 Olympic bid, and large-scale public procurements, such as the Royal Alberta Museum procurement. He worked on the establishment of Alberta Innovates and the Alberta Enterprise Corporation and has provided legal advice on matters ranging from P3 projects to electronic signatures to remotely piloted aircraft systems.

Fung is very familiar with public agencies and has extensive experience in providing strategic and legal advice on privacy, intellectual property, and risk management matters. During his time with the Government of Alberta, he provided legal advice to almost every department, advising on a wide variety of matters ranging from insurance regulation to agricultural marketing to social media.

Fung enjoys mentoring others in his area of expertise, technology, and intellectual property law. He has chaired the Technology Law Practice Group and the Intellectual Property Law Practice Group.

Fung received his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta and his Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie University. He has volunteered with the United Nations Development Programme, Lawyers Without Borders and the Centre for International Environmental Law.


The Office of General Counsel is responsible for managing the legal affairs of the university, which includes:

  • Providing legal and strategic advice and direction to the University and the Board of Governors
  • Acting as the central contact for legal inquiries and assistance
  • Providing strategic leadership to the University
  • Managing compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements
  • Managing and providing advice on legal matters for the University, including in relation to contracts, legal liability and risk, and administrative law
  • Informing management, Board of Governors, faculty and staff of laws and legal issues that affect operations of public post-secondary institutions
  • Negotiating, drafting and reviewing agreements, and advising on template agreements for use in academic and service areas to standardize contract formation activities
  • Drafting and advising on all manner of documents that represent the University’s position on legal and governance matters
  • Instructing and managing external legal counsel on behalf of University officers and monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of external legal services
  • Providing legal education to faculty and staff
  • Overseeing the development, review and monitoring of institutional policy
  • Managing and leading teams that work independently and have a strong understanding of the University students, alumni, faculty, administrators and staff
  • Ensuring ongoing commitment to the quality of services through ongoing evaluation and implementation of best practices

The Office of General Counsel represents the university and cannot provide legal advice or services relating to personal matters.


The Information and Privacy Office (IPO) at MacEwan University ensures compliance with applicable legislation and policy, including Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP Act”) and the Electronic Transactions Act (Alberta) for information that is in the custody or control of the institution.

Information and Privacy Office website

Office of General Counsel contact