Notification Icon Ending Sexual Violence: Student Research Forum Submission Deadline • April 27 Details

We all play a part in creating a safe and supportive campus. At MacEwan University, we are committed to creating a culture of consent and ending sexual violence on campus.

The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Response can provide support, help you interpret policy and guide you in creating positive change. Join us in building a culture of consent at MacEwan University.

Support is available

We are committed to providing information and support services to individuals impacted by different forms of sexual violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship violence and cyber violence. We provide support services in person, through online communication platforms, and via email.

Email us at or call us at 780-918-5748 to schedule an appointment.

MAVEN Peer Education Program
Become part of the movement to build a campus and a world without sexual violence by becoming a peer educator! Deadline to apply: May 10
MAVEN logo. More Info
Certificate of Recognition
Build on your knowledge of sexual violence prevention and earn credit toward a formal Certificate of Recognition by participating in a series of workshops and events.
certificate of recognition Learn more
It Takes All of Us (for Students)

Participate in a free, self-paced course that answers your questions about sexual consent, sexual violence, bystander intervention and healthy relationships. To access the course:

  1. Log in to mêskanâs
  2. Click on ‘Site Home’ on the top left of the page
  3. Click on ‘Human Rights and Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response’
  4. Click on ‘It Takes All of Us: Creating a Campus Community Free of Sexual Violence’
  5. Click ‘Enrol Me’
student at computer photo.
Campus Survey on Sexual Violence

In 2023, we surveyed MacEwan students and employees to learn about their perspectives on, and experiences with, sexual violence. Here's what we found out.



Learn about the ways the MacEwan community is championing a culture of consent on campus.