A number of programs and protocols are in place at MacEwan Residence to ensure you and your guests stay safe. Together, residents and residence staff share the responsibility of creating a secure environment.
Our front desk is staffed 24 hours a day/7 days a week, and residence assistants are on call from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. They complete building rounds two to three times a night, ensuring external doors are locked, responding to noise complaints and staying alert to other potential Community Standards violations. They are trained to respond to a number of scenarios and know when to involve others, such as the Residence Life Coordinator, Residence Life Manager, Security Services or Edmonton Emergency Services.
Security cameras are located in the elevators and in the main lobby. Campus security guards respond to residence incidents that require their support.
On Friday and Saturday evenings, the guest sign-in station and a lobby security guard add an extra level of security.
MacEwan Residence's main entrance doors are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. They are locked 24 hours on statutory holidays/university closures. All other exterior doors are locked 24/7. To enter residence outside of business hours, or to enter floors 2 through 13 at any time, use your access card. You will be asked to show your Residence ID to enter the building during weekend and holiday sign-in periods.
If you notice an exterior door has been propped open, close the door and report it to the front desk or to a Residence Life staff member.
Safety is everyone's responsibility. We ask you to be mindful of these safety precautions:
- Never prop open exterior doors.
- Don’t allow unknown people into residence.
- Report anyone suspicious to a Residence Life staff member or the front desk.
- Always lock your door when you leave your room.
- Keep your keys and Residence ID on you at all times, but don’t keep them together on the same key ring.
- Don’t leave valuables out in the open.
Fire drills happen periodically throughout the school year. When the fire alarm sounds, you must leave the building. Residents who do not leave the building are subject to a minimum $250 fine and possible consequences as outlined in the Residence Community Standards.
Tampering with or misusing fire detection or firefighting equipment is a serious offence. The minimum fine for fire safety violations is $250 per person. If you tamper with any fire safety equipment, you will receive a minimum $250 fine and be subject to criminal prosecution and possible eviction from residence. Residence Services does not issue warnings for fire safety violations.
Before inviting a guest to visit you in residence, check with your roommate to make sure it's okay. You are responsible for your guests and their actions and must meet them in the lobby and accompany them at all times while they are in residence. Guests must be 18 years old or older.
On Friday and Saturday nights, and other designated times of the year, guests must be signed in if they arrive after 8 p.m. During these times, you must show your Residence ID to enter the building.
- You and your guest must both be present at the time of sign-in.
- You will be asked to show your Residence ID and your guest must provide valid photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or MacEwan University ID).
- Each guest is issued a wristband and is required to wear the wristband at all times.
More details on residence guests are outlined in the Community Standards.
If you have questions, please contact the front desk or speak to any member of the Residence team.
You are responsible for checking your smoke detector on a regular basis by pressing the green test button. If you have concerns about the state of your smoke detector, for example, if you think it is too sensitive, submit a work order request at the front desk or through the residence portal.
Do not unplug or remove your smoke detector under any circumstances. If your roommate or another person tampers with the smoke detector, immediately report it to the front desk. If your smoke detector has been tampered with and a report has not been made, all residents in the suite are held responsible and assessed sanctions accordingly.
Know what to do in the event of fire or smoke. Don’t panic—the residence is equipped with fire extinguishers and alarms. Familiarize yourself with emergency exits and muster points by reviewing the exit map on the back of your door.
Student concerns
If you’re worried or concerned about a student, here’s what you can do and how MacEwan Residence can assist.
If you are concerned that a student is at risk and you believe an immediate health or safety check is necessary, please call 911 to request a check on their well-being. MacEwan Residence’s address is 11050 104 Avenue NW.
Edmonton Police Services will respond, and our team, including MacEwan Security Services, will support their efforts to ensure the safety of the student. Please note that MacEwan Residence staff cannot conduct these types of wellness checks.
If an urgent health or safety check is not warranted, but repeated efforts to contact the student have failed, and you are growing concerned about their wellbeing, call the MacEwan Residence Front Desk at 780-497-4500.
Within 24 hours, our team will send a note to the student to inform them that you have contacted us and that you have requested that they contact you. Please note we are not able to confirm that the student lives in Residence without their consent.
If you are communicating with a student and have concerns that they are having trouble transitioning to Residence, email MacEwan Residence Life at Our Residence Life team cannot disclose specific information about a student without their consent. Within two business days, our team will reach out to the student to check on their well-being and offer assistance in accessing relevant campus services, supports and resources. We may also share this information with our colleagues at MacEwan University Student Support.
We take concerns from parents, family members and friends seriously, and we will follow up with the student in question. However, MacEwan Residence is obligated to uphold a student's privacy under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). Without a student's permission or a completed FOIP Form on file, we are unable to share information, provide updates on a student's status, or confirm whether a student resides in MacEwan Residence, even in the above situations.
Security-related resources on campus
Edmonton Emergency Services
Police, Fire, Ambulance
Security Services
Urgent On-Campus
Security Services