
A number of policies and procedures guide and regulate parking activity on campus. Not sure how purchase a permit, appeal a fine or get a permit refund? You can find the answers to these and other questions in the following policies.

Paid parking is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Monthly permits

Purchasing a permit
Monthly permits can be purchased online through the parking portal website. Permits purchased after the 10th day of the month will be prorated to reflect the number of days left in the month.

If there are any unresolved tickets on your account, you will not be able to purchase a monthly permit until they are settled.

Monthly permits auto-renew on the first day of each month until a cancellation request is made.

Minimum commitment
Monthly permits require a two-month minimum commitment before they can be cancelled. After this period, you may cancel the agreement by notifying Parking Services no later than the last business day of the current month if you want to cancel for the upcoming month.

Cancelling a permit
Monthly permits must be canceled before the end of the month, otherwise your credit card will be billed on the first day of the next month. This charge cannot be reversed.

To cancel your monthly permit and stop recurring payments you must:

  1. Contact Parking Services by email or phone on or before the last business day of the month to request cancellation.
  2. Return your parking access card and/or hang tag to the Parking Office on or before the last business day of the month. If these items are not returned by the last day of the month, your payments will persist until the access card and/or hang tag are handed in.

Note: The University is closed for Christmas break from December 24 - January 2. To end your parking agreement for December, submit your cancellation request and return your access card and/or hang tag to the Parking Office by December 23.

Monthly parking operational hours
Monthly parking adheres to the University's hours of operation. Underground parkades align with the operational hours of the respective buildings and are closed during University holidays.

  • Access Card Replacement Fee: $10.00

Only one vehicle can be registered at a time for the monthly permits for the surface lots. To change the vehicle on the account, use the parking portal or contact Parking Services.

Paid parking is enforced at all times within MacEwan University's lots and parkades. Parking permits are valid for the lot they are issued. Parking officers actively patrol these areas to ensure compliance. Vehicles found without valid payment will be subject to ticketing.

Vehicles with 3 or more unpaid parking tickets will be tagged and towed at the owner's expense. We encourage all users to promptly settle their parking payments to avoid any inconveniences or penalties.

In the case of a student, the University may withhold application, transcripts or diplomas, or deny registration and registration materials until that student has paid to the University or made arrangements satisfactory to the University to pay all amounts owing by that student.

Parking fines can be paid online through the parking portal.

Parking violations may be appealed within five (5) business days from the date of issue of the ticket; appeals made after the five (5) business days will not be considered. Appeals must be made through the parking portal.

Circumstances that will result in the towing of a vehicle include, but are not limited to: parking in 24 hour reserved service vehicle areas, parking in front of a fire hydrant, parking in a manner that blocks access routes, parking on a pathway, sidewalk, boulevard or landscaped area, and parking while displaying a counterfeit permit or without a valid permit.

Vehicles with 3 or more outstanding tickets will be towed by Kingsway Towing. Vehicle owners are required to arrange pick up of their vehicle directly with the towing company.

Kingsway Towing
Open 24/7

Any vehicle parked, operated, or driven on MacEwan campus is at the risk of the owner. Parking charges are solely for the use of parking space. MacEwan University shall not be liable for any damage occasioned to any such motor vehicle, the operator, other occupant thereof or any person unless such damage has resulted from the negligence of agent of the University acting in the course and within the scope of this person's employment.

The University shall not be liable for damages, expenses or inconveniences as a result of power outages, energy peak demand load shedding, or defects relating to the electrical plug-ins. In the event any damage or inconvenience is occasioned to or by reason of any motor vehicle being removed or towed away or impounded pursuant to these procedures by an independent contractor, neither the University nor its servants nor its agents shall be liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for such damage or inconvenience. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect the liability of any independent contractor carrying out the removal, towing away or impoundment of any vehicles.

Get a permit or settle a ticket.