Do you want to build leadership skills for future employment, student governance or community or campus involvement? Join the free three-part certificate program, Emerging Leaders, a new workshop series that focuses on leadership themes, topics and frameworks.

Open to all MacEwan University students, the workshops aim to enhance your understanding and application of leadership skills. The series is organized into three different topics: personal, group and community-engaged leadership and is offered bi-weekly throughout the academic year. The sessions focus on developing a deeper understanding of self through critical dialogue, awareness activities and ongoing reflection.

There are six sessions offered per term, and you need to complete five of six to receive a certificate. The registration deadline for each session is the day of the corresponding session.


  • Communication styles
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Inclusion and anti-oppression
  • Introduction to leadership models
  • Mentorship
  • Public speaking
  • Unconscious bias

Students will be directed to understand how their characteristics impact their leadership style and relations to others.


For more information

If you have questions about the workshop series, please email us.

Email iVolunteer

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