Education & Training for Students
As a MacEwan student, you can participate in free workshops and events on campus to bolster your understanding of sexual violence. Build your knowledge, gain new skills and advocate for healthy relationships and a violence-free campus.
Participate in a free, self-paced course that answers your questions about sexual consent, sexual violence, bystander intervention and healthy relationships. To access the course:
- Log in to mêskanâs
- Click on ‘Site Home’ on the top left of the page
- Click on ‘Human Rights and Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response’
- Click on ‘It Takes All of Us: Creating a Campus Community Free of Sexual Violence’
- Click ‘Enrol Me’

Receive comprehensive training on consent, healthy relationships, sexual violence prevention, bystander intervention, anti-oppression and supporting survivors of sexual violence. Next deadline: May 2025

We offer workshops throughout the year where you can build your knowledge and skills around sexual violence prevention and response. To see a schedule of upcoming workshops, see our Events page. We also offer custom education programming by request.
Workshop offerings
Bringing in the Bystander® is an in-person, evidence-based, educational program that encourages students to become positive bystanders in instances of sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. In this workshop, participants will learn about the concept of bystander intervention and how to overcome their own barriers to intervention to become more active, prosocial bystanders. Participants will identify a continuum of inappropriate sexual behaviours and participate in interactive activities to develop empathy for those who have experienced sexual violence.
This workshop offers an opportunity to learn about consent: what it is, why it’s important, and how to integrate it into our lives and relationships. We will debunk common myths about sex and consent, explore the impacts of sexual violence and rape culture, and discuss everyday strategies for creating a world free of sexual violence.
This workshop is all about relationship health and creating the caring and respectful relationships that we all deserve. Participants will discuss the differences between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationship behaviours, learn about intimate partner violence and gain skills to promote healthy relationships of all kinds.
This workshop takes a harm reduction approach to the topics of sex, alcohol, consent and sexual violence prevention, with the goal of empowering participants to create safer party environments and keep each other safe. Participants will explore strategies for safer drinking and partying and discuss the complexity of navigating sexual consent under the influence. In addition, participants will learn how alcohol can be used to facilitate sexual violence and gain skills in bystander intervention that can be used to intervene in harmful behaviour.
While all communities experience sexual violence, 2SLGBTQ+ communities are disproportionately subjected to sexual violence and face systemic barriers to accessing support. We will examine the intersections of sexual violence, heterosexism and cissexism, learn about foundational support skills, and explore strategies for responding to sexual violence in ways that affirm the identities and lived experiences of queer and trans survivors.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to better support individuals who have experienced sexual violence. Participants will learn about the impacts of sexual violence and challenges survivors face, and gain practical tools for supporting survivors in their lives.
MacEwan University is committed to providing support for all students, staff and faculty impacted by sexual violence through trauma-informed practices. In this session, participants increase their understanding of trauma, discuss its long-term health impacts and influence on behaviour, and explore how principles of trauma-informed practice can be applied at an organizational and interpersonal level.
When we talk about support, we often focus on people who have experienced harm. This workshop takes a deep dive into how to support people who have caused harm in accessing resources and taking accountability. Through a combination of lecture and interactive activities, workshop participants explore definitions of harm, accountability and practical strategies for when someone in your life causes harm.
To book a workshop or training session, or to learn more about these programs, contact the Senior Program Manager, Sexual Violence Prevention and Education.
Campus outreach
The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Response provides an outreach booth (staffed or unstaffed) for events on campus that features information, handouts, resources and swag. To include a booth at your event, contact the Senior Program Manager, Sexual Violence Prevention and Education.