On Wednesday, October 30, Dr. Annette Trimbee, president and vice-chancellor of MacEwan University, received a WXN Top 100 Award, recognizing her commitment to strengthening communities through her vision and actions of inclusivity, connectedness and continual learning.
The Canadian Tire Community Impact Award by WXN recognizes Dr. Trimbee’s leadership as a changemaker, role model and collaborator in our community and across the post-secondary learning system.
The WXN Top 100 awards, honour women across Canada who are making a difference and creating positive change.
“Change doesn’t happen in isolation and this award recognizes the collective efforts of the partners I’ve had the privilege of working with,” she says. “Community impact happens when a community supports a shared vision. This award honours the strength of people coming together, finding common goals and working collaboratively to see it through.”
During her leadership at MacEwan University, and formerly at the University of Winnipeg, Dr. Trimbee led initiatives to increase work-integrated learning experiences for students, open opportunities for Indigenous learners and economic reconciliation, and increase post-secondary access to learners.
“Dr. Trimbee recognizes the interconnectedness of diverse communities and leads beyond conventional boundaries, as we see in her active involvement in grassroots initiatives and advocacy for equity among underserved and marginalized groups,” says Carolyn Graham, chair, Board of Governors of MacEwan University. “Her approach is never to effect change for only a handful of individuals - she sets out to change the system to benefit many.”
Outside of her role as a post-secondary leader, Dr. Trimbee currently serves on the boards of Edmonton Global, World Universities Service Canada, The Conversation Canada and the Rideau Hall Foundation.
With her recent appointment to a second term at MacEwan University, Dr. Trimbee says she looks forward to opening the new School of Business building in 2027, see through the goals set out in MacEwan’s strategic vision Teaching Greatness, continue creating connections between learning and the needs of industry, and supporting 30,000 students’ learning journeys in 2030.
“I look forward to continuing our work with the community to find new opportunities to create positive change.”