MacEwan University proudly congratulates Dr. Kristopher Wells on his appointment to the Senate of Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the appointment on behalf of Governor General Mary Simon after Dr. Wells was recommended by the Independent Advisory Board for Senate appointments. A swearing-in ceremony was held in Ottawa on September 17.

Dr. Wells has been an associate professor in the Department of Child and Youth Care, Faculty of Health and Community Studies at MacEwan since 2018.

In the announcement about his Senate appointment, Dr. Wells is described as “an educator, a scientific expert, and a champion for the 2SLGBTQI+ community who has used research and advocacy to help advance diversity, equity, and human rights in Alberta and across the country.”

In 2019, Dr. Wells was named MacEwan’s first Canada Research Chair. His work focuses on supporting the public understanding of sexual and gender minority youth by investigating and supporting inclusive and responsive policies, developing equitable and evidence-informed practices, and encouraging the full and equitable participation of LGBTQ2S+ youth in all aspects of our society.

Dr. Wells also helped establish the Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) at MacEwan. The CSGD works to promote inclusiveness on campus while also supporting research and teaching related to sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

In addition to serving as the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of LGBT Youth,  the world’s leading research publication on 2SLGBTQ+ youth, Dr. Wells has served as an expert scientific consultant to the Government of Canada, the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, the RCMP, the Public Health Agency of Canada, UNESCO, the World Health Organization and many provincial and municipal governments across Canada.

Highlights of the awards Dr. Wells has received include the Alberta Centennial Medal, the Alberta Award for Study of Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism, the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s Public Education Award,  the University of Alberta’s Alumni Horizon Award and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal.

Dr. Wells is the university's second faculty member appointed to the Red Chamber. Senator Tommy Banks, who was chair of MacEwan's music program from 1983 to 1987, served in the Senate from 2000 to 2011.  

Correction: An earlier version of this story mentioned that Dr. Wells was MacEwan's first faculty member appointed to the Senate. 

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