Summer is a time for rest, relaxation and – at MacEwan – stories! Check out some you may have missed that feature faculty research, incredible events, alumni who are doing meaningful work and what our leaders are up to. 

1. Can petting dogs strengthen your mental health?

Two students pet a corgi wearing a maroon PAWSS vest

Dr. Anna Rissanen, assistant professor in the Department of Allied Health and Human Performance, has been examining services offered to support student well-being, aside from standard counselling, which led her to MacEwan’s Pets Assisting with Student Success (PAWSS) program. 

Read the full story.

2. Breeding bears: Are polar-grizzly hybrids on the rise?

Dr. Miller wears a blue shirt and glasses and smiles

What do you get when you cross a polar bear and a grizzly? It sounds like the setup for a joke, but Dr. Joshua Miller’s conservation research and its implications in the Canadian Arctic are no laughing matter. 

Read the full story.

3. Revisit the hour before Treaty 6 was signed with Josh Languedoc

Josh Languedoc in front of a wall covered with hand-painted quotations by students.

As an artist, teacher and sociologist, Languedoc uses theatre to challenge social structures. For the 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, sociology and theatre naturally speak to one another.

Read the full story.

4. Photography students partner with Kiwanis Place Lodge residents to see life through a new lens

A senior woman wearing a hat sits with a young woman, both smiling.

A group of students in a continuing education photography class collaborated with a seniors lodge to create the Capturing Intergenerational Joy photography project. 

Read the full story.

5. Learning from the land in the heart of the city

A woman and a child scrape a hide together, smiling.

Over 150 participants joined Elders and Knowledge Keepers at the kihcihkaw askî-Sacred Land cultural site for four days of learning and connecting. The event was the first land-based gathering hosted by the university's kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre. It was four days of learning and connecting, held right in the city. 

Read the full story and see the gallery of photos

6. New StoryWalk at MacEwan welcomes families to campus

Children gather around a display with a colourful page from a children's book.

It’s never too early to ensure Edmonton’s youngest citizens feel welcome and at home on a university campus. StoryWalk visitors make their way across campus, visiting stations that present pages of a storybook throughout MacEwan’s halls. 

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7. MacEwan alum uncovers effects of government intervention on Kehewin First Nation reserve

Brett McKay standing in front of trees

Alum and journalist Brett McKay published work done during his final term at MacEwan that looked into systemic issues that led to boil water advisories and infrastructure delays on First Nation Reserves. 

Read the full story.

8. Mapping out Alberta’s past

A woman points to something on a laptop screen while two male students in lab coats observe.

Students in Dr. Robin Woywitka’s quaternary environments class are uncovering what Alberta landscapes looked like hundreds to thousands of years ago. Using samples from the Royal Alberta Museum, they’re able to track what types of plants were in an area at various points in history.

Read the full story. 

9. Dr. Annette Trimbee reappointed as president and vice-chancellor

Dr. Annette Trimbee wears a green blazer and leans against a glass railing in Allard Hall.

“President Trimbee will continue to elevate and grow the university in a way that’s making a real impact on our institution and our community,” says Carolyn Graham, chair of MacEwan University’s Board of Governors. 

Read the full story.

10. Dr. Anthony (Tony) Fields receives Canadian Medical Association’s highest honour

Dr. Fields stands outside of Building 9 on campus wearing a navy blue suit.

MacEwan’s first chancellor received the F.N.G. Starr Award by the Canadian Medical Association in recognition of his visionary leadership in cancer care.

Read the full story

Shout-outs to profs

A grad waves while wearing a red cap and gown

If you’re feeling nostalgic for convocation, reread these props to profs and staff from the Class of 2024. 



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