Rhodora Funcion is one of the newest alumni to sit on MacEwan’s Alumni Advisory Council (AAC).

Funcion (Digital Media and Graphics ’19, Program and Portfolio Management ’18) also earned a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Innovation Leadership from the University of Fredericton. She has earned several certificates from MacEwan’s School of Continuing Education and other institutions. Funcion is the board director with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (Northern Alberta Chapter), a conference committee member with the National Chapter for the Canadian West Health Care Leaders, and volunteers with organizations like the Project Management Institute Northern Alberta Chapter and the Anne Burrows Music Foundation. She is currently a senior project manager with the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic, Kaye Edmonton Clinic, Ambulatory Care.

We caught up with Funcion to discuss her career, love of volunteering and goals for her new role with the AAC.

What sparked your love of project management? 

When I was helping my parents with my three younger sisters – helping to prepare their lunches, gathering their uniforms for school and ensuring they completed all their homework – I enjoyed seeing the tasks completed from start to finish. I continued developing my professional project management career with a manufacturing company, and eventually moved to Edmonton and started working as a project coordinator with Alberta Health Services (AHS). As my experience and love for project management evolved, I looked to MacEwan for formal project management education.

Do you have a favourite moment or part of the project management process?

I love brainstorming with my team about how we can prepare, understand the scope and communicate our plan of action for our projects or initiatives to our project sponsors and other stakeholders. Having great team members who trust each other helps with delivering the results!

Health care is a theme that is woven throughout your career. What makes you passionate about that field?

Growing up, I listened to stories from my aunts – who were all nurses. Although I decided to pursue a career in business, I ended up in health care serving others from a business perspective. I am grateful I am in this field – there are so many opportunities for growth and development. I enjoy serving others and contributing to impactful projects that make a difference in the lives of Albertans. 

You’re a proponent of lifelong learning; why is it important to you to always be learning?

Education opens doors and minds to diversity of thought. I love learning, and it keeps my mind sharp. I also enjoy sharing my learning with family members, friends and colleagues. I’m currently pursuing my Canadian Health Executive designation through the Canadian College of Health Leaders. Continuous education is key to both professional and personal growth.

What inspires you to be so generous with your time when it comes to volunteering?

Contributing to society and making the world a better place is important. I also enjoy meeting people and building my network through volunteering. I always learn something new, and find joy in connecting with like-minded people. 

What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my husband, Jonathan, and our English lab, Hank. We love camping and kayaking together. I also like reading business, non-fiction and cooking books. 

What was it about your experience at MacEwan that inspired you to join the AAC?

I believe in giving back to the educational institution that supported my professional development in project management all the way from a project coordinator to a Senior Project Manager in Multiple Sclerosis at AHS. Whenever I look to upgrade my educational background, I can always count on MacEwan’s School of Continuing Education to deliver the learning opportunities to help my career grow and build self-confidence.

What do you hope to accomplish in this role?

I aim to help support and contribute to MacEwan University’s fundraising goal for the new School of Business, mentor current and future students, and share my lived project management experiences to inspire them to continue learning and growing. 

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