Dr. Annette Trimbee has been reappointed for a second term as president and vice-chancellor of MacEwan University.

“President Trimbee has been an exemplary leader, and I’m very pleased to announce that the Board of Governors approved her reappointment as MacEwan University’s president and vice-chancellor for a second term,” says Carolyn Graham, chair of MacEwan University’s Board of Governors. “MacEwan has tremendous forward momentum, and President Trimbee will continue to elevate and grow the university in a way that’s making a real impact on our institution and our community.”

The reappointment process was led by MacEwan University’s Board of Governors. “On behalf of the Board, I want to thank the members of the Presidential Reappointment Committee, as well as the Governance and Human Resource Committee, for their significant involvement in this process,” says Graham.

Throughout her first term, Dr. Trimbee led a number of important initiatives which laid the groundwork for significant growth of the university and elevation of its relevance and responsiveness to the needs of students, faculty, staff and the province. Dr. Trimbee led the development of MacEwan’s Teaching Greatness: Strategic Vision 2030, which set the direction for MacEwan’s future growth and development. Other milestones during her first term included securing the $125 million provincial investment in the new School of Business building, achieving Campus Alberta Quality Council audit status, and spearheading strategic investments that position MacEwan to grow from to 30,000 students by 2030.

“I’m honoured to be given the opportunity to continue leading this incredible institution,” says Dr. Trimbee. “We’re making great progress, and I have more to contribute to see our vision through to 2030. It's going to be an exciting journey.”

Teaching Greatness – MacEwan’s Vision to 2030

A key focus during Dr. Trimbee’s first term was the creation of Teaching Greatness, which was unveiled in 2022 as the cornerstone for MacEwan’s vision and priorities, after extensive collaboration within the university and with community partners.

Teaching Greatness identifies five areas that serve as a blueprint to success:

The vision also recognizes MacEwan’s place in O-day’min, and calls on the university community to make decisions which have positive impacts and benefit our community.

The realization of the vision is supported by a transparent dashboard that serves to guide, measure and drive progress.

Opening the new School of Business Building

After a celebratory ground-breaking moment for the new School of Business in May 2024, Dr. Trimbee is focusing on completion of the building which is set to welcome students, faculty, and staff in 2027. This work includes ongoing support for the continued success of the $25 million MacEwan Means Business capital campaign.

When complete, the new building will bring an additional 7,500 students, faculty and staff to MacEwan’s campus, which will have a transformative impact on supporting and growing Edmonton’s vibrant downtown and ensuring business and industry have the skilled, job-ready grads they need.

Community leadership

“The most valued post-secondary institutions are those which recognize and live up to their potential as valuable contributors to the current and future growth of their communities,” says Board Chair Carolyn Graham.

Dr. Trimbee has grown MacEwan’s profile through initiatives including:

  • receiving the Indspire Award in Education, the highest honour bestowed by the Indigenous community, for her commitment to advancing Indigenization and reconciliation in higher education.
  • serving on the boards of Edmonton Global, World Universities Service Canada (WUSC), The Conversation Canada, and the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF) to ensure MacEwan is connected to its many communities and external networks.
  • the oskaya êkiskwayihtamowin osihcikêwin Indigenous Youth Rising Conference for Indigenous youth to explore post-secondary education, celebrate culture and connect with Indigenous role models.
  • the Distinguished Visiting Artist in Country Music initiative to bridge MacEwan with the country music industry, allowing for visiting artists to engage in education and mentorship activities for MacEwan students.
  • a partnership with the Alberta Chambers of Commerce to engage the private sector through a Talent Development Task Force.
  • serving as chair of the City of Edmonton’s Task Force on Community Safety and Well-Being.
  • celebrating the milestone of over 90,000 MacEwan alumni, highlighting the university’s expanding influence and achievements of its graduates.
  • positioning MacEwan as a key partner in downtown vibrancy discussions, focusing on accessible housing and collaborative partnerships to enhance community development.

For her second term, Dr. Trimbee will continue connecting MacEwan to the greater community. Some priorities include playing a meaningful role in Edmonton’s downtown renewal and Alberta’s economic revival and leveraging MacEwan’s relationships to find unique partnerships to develop accessible housing.

Another focus will be exploring how MacEwan’s academic growth can best meet future demands for talent. “Our academy’s remarkable spectrum of scholastic activity and teaching expertise is a great foundation for innovation,” says Dr. Trimbee. “We have so much potential to leverage our vision’s pillars of offering flexible-learning options, growing work-integrated learning opportunities and developing relevant programming.”

Looking ahead

As she looks ahead, Dr. Trimbee says she’s excited for the future, and how faculty and staff will drive ongoing success and meaningful growth as MacEwan University continues to step into its place as a leader in post-secondary education in Alberta. “I couldn’t have done this alone, and I’m excited to keep working with you as I continue my tenure with this incredible organization.”

“We have momentum. We’re confident in who we are and where we’re headed. In many ways we’re an example of what is possible as a relevant, modern, urban and strategic university.”

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