Congratulations to the Class of 2024! The MacEwan community spent the last week celebrating the accomplishments of nearly 2,400 graduates as they crossed the stage at the Winspear Centre and took home their well-earned degrees, diplomas and certificates.

We got to know a few of those graduates – along with their memories of MacEwan, the people who helped them reach their goals and their future ambitions – in our Meet the Class features. Read stories from the Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Community Studies, School of Business, and Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications.

Many of those graduates showcased the best of MacEwan with their achievements. Eva Hollas, recipient of the President’s Medal for Academic Excellence and Student Leadership, shared words of wisdom with her fellow graduates. A further 12 grads were recognized with Governor General’s Awards and Dean’s Medals for Academic Excellence.

And graduates weren’t the only ones who were recognized for their hard work. Dr. Trevor Hamilton received the Dr. Sherrill Brown Distinguished Research Award, three faculty members received Distinguished Teaching Awards and three received Sessional Instructor Teaching Excellence Awards. 

We celebrated the contributions of five incredible community builders with honorary doctorates. Anne McLellan, Annemarie Leenhouts-Petrov, Dr. Austin Albert Mardon, Dr. Ruth Collins-Nakai and Dr. Shane O’Dea received their honorary doctorates on stage, and delivered impassioned words of inspiration to graduates.

Mallory Yawnghwe, 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, delivered a stirring convocation address, pressing the importance of believing in yourself. 

Convocation isn’t complete without music and performance. The MacEwan Big Band serenaded graduates and their guests, and each ceremony also featured an Indigenous performance accompanied by a drum group.

Our newest alumni were also welcomed into the community – now over 90,000 strong – with a print of The Journey is Ours, an original artwork created by third-year Bachelor of Fine Arts student Maya Pereira, given to the graduating class by the MacEwan University Alumni Association.

An artwork of two people crossing a bridge with books underneath.

We also took a trip down memory lane, noting some of the ways MacEwan and our convocation ceremonies have grown over the past several decades, and which things have stayed the same.


To watch the full ceremony webcasts, head to

Scroll through the gallery below to view a few of our favourite moments from the 2024 Spring Convocation ceremonies.

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