A message from Dr. Annette Trimbee, president and vice-chancellor.

It is hard to believe that we are already in the middle of September. Some of you are experiencing the vibrancy and greatness of MacEwan University for the first time, while others are returning to continue the important work of learning and teaching. As we settle into new or familiar routines, I want to take a moment to personally welcome everyone to a new academic year.

The spirit of energy and renewal in the air each September makes this one of my favourite times of year. As students, you are discovering new friendships and knowledge that will evolve and stay with you throughout your lifetime. As faculty, you are setting out to have an incredible influence on the students’ learning journey while you continue to discover and develop your own career. And as staff, you are ensuring our learning environment continues to be a great place for everyone.

It's that commitment and pride we take in providing exceptional undergraduate learning that makes MacEwan unique amongst Canadian universities. Our faculty, which continue to grow in numbers and diversity, are focused on supporting teaching greatness to make sure our students’ journeys after MacEwan continue a path of success and fulfillment. As a university community, we want all students, faculty and staff to feel welcome and safe here. That will require each of us to continue fostering and building a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for everyone.

Over this upcoming year, I look forward to stepping outside our doors and working even more closely with our downtown neighbours. We truly are powered by our place in the downtown area and are one of the greatest contributors to the vibrancy of O-day’min. Businesses are increasingly looking to create opportunities for our students and have a presence on our campus. This will only grow as we prepare to break ground on the new School of Business building in the months ahead.

So many incredible things happen across the seven blocks of our campus – and beyond. That is why, during the Fall term, you’ll see stories on the university’s news feed and social media channels that focus on how the spaces and places we inhabit at MacEwan power – and empower – us. I’m looking forward to digging into that theme a little bit more in my October column, and when we come together to look at the progress we’ve made over the past year at our State of the University event on October 19. I hope to see you there.

And I hope to also see you on campus. If you walk by me in the hallways, please take a moment to say hello. It’s both the planned and serendipitous connections that come from being “in the mix” that I think make our university the wonderful place it is.

I wish you the absolute best academic year.

A supporter of your greatness,

Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor

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