Each year, MacEwan hosts a mixer that allows students to personally thank donors of scholarships, awards and bursaries. This year’s event took place on Tuesday, March 7, and featured performances and speeches from student recipients and MacEwan President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Annette Trimbee.

Guests gathered in the SAMU Lookout space to mingle and take in an evening of entertainment. Kevin Fitzgerald, associate vice-president, Alumni and Development, acted as the evening’s master of ceremony.

Third-year Bachelor of Nursing student Oluwaseun Satimehin spoke about the impact that receiving an award had on her educational journey, and Bachelor of Music student Roman Kozlowski performed for the crowd. Kozlowski is the recipient of the Dr. Trimbee Country Music Award.

Dr. Trimbee provided closing remarks, speaking to the importance of the relationship between donors and recipients. “As I look around at our staff and faculty, students and donors, I see our immense societal impact in this room today. Our donors, supporting the next generation of trendsetters and trendbreakers. Our students, receiving the tools and support they need to prepare them to take on the world. What a perfect representation of our new strategic vision, Teaching Greatness,” she said.

Click on an image in the gallery below to see photos from the event.

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