“The war in Ukraine is devastating, terrible, atrocious – there aren’t enough adjectives to describe the horror. How do you work with a colleague who has to run to the shelter in the middle of our conversation? How do you adequately show compassion and ensure they know we are here to support them?

At first, I thought it would be better to provide space for colleagues at our four partner universities in Ukraine. But they told me that meeting together helps them. And their courage and tenacity inspire me. 
On February 24, when all eyes were on Ukraine, and it felt like my heart had started bleeding, I found strength in my work. We create resources, hold fundraisers, host language classes, create spaces for conversations and help students from Ukraine. And those students are so engaged. They organized a poster presentation in the library. They are helping to organize a video exhibit in collaboration with the Mitchell Art Gallery and are planning a Ukrainian film festival in November. 

Wars end and this one will end too. When I think about my hope for the future and where that hope comes from, it is people – the people of Ukraine, but also so many people around me.” 

–Larisa Hayduk, Director, Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre

Larisa Hayduk, director of MacEwan’s Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre, was recognized as part of Shumka Salutes Local Heroes at the organization's October 7 performance at the Jubilee Auditorium for her ongoing work and dedication to making connections, lifting people up and creating new opportunities to support Ukraine.

About the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre
Launched in 1988, the URDC is turning 35 this academic year and is continuing its efforts to connect MacEwan with Ukraine and the Ukrainian-Canadian community.
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