Carolyn Graham has been re-appointed as chair of the Board of Governors of Grant MacEwan University for a three-year term, effective August 15, 2022.
“I am delighted that Carolyn will continue on for a second term as MacEwan University’s board chair,” says Dr. Annette Trimbee, president and vice-chancellor. “Carolyn is a well experienced governance leader, with a depth of knowledge and passion for MacEwan. I look forward to what we will accomplish together.”
Graham was appointed as chair in 2019, having previously served two terms as a public board member with the university. During her first term as chair, her leadership on the board was integral to MacEwan moving forward into the next decade. Last October, the board approved a bold 10-year strategic vision, Teaching Greatness. Under Graham’s leadership, the board appointed both Dr. Annette Trimbee as MacEwan’s sixth president and Dr. Tony Fields as MacEwan’s inaugural chancellor, and conferred MacEwan’s first honorary doctorates, among many other achievements.
Graham brings extensive experience as the senior executive vice-president with CWB Financial Group, and her continued work on MacEwan’s Board of Governors creates a foundation to build toward the future.
MacEwan also welcomes board member Adam Guiney to a second term. Guiney joined MacEwan as a public board member in 2019. He served as vice-chair of the board and chair of the Strategy and Stakeholder Relations Committee. Guiney is a MacEwan alumnus and a former leader of the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU).
“Adam is passionate about MacEwan’s future and has worked to build a strong foundation at the Board level,” says Graham. “I look forward to continuing to work with Adam as we support our strategic vision and strengthen our external relations.”
New to the Board of Governors is Sandra Haskins, who has been appointed for a three-year term as a public member. Haskins is currently the senior vice-president, Finance and chief financial officer of Capital Power Corporation. Haskins brings extensive experience as a chartered professional accountant and a certified management accountant. In addition to her work with Capital Power, she served seven years as a board member for the Citadel Theatre and as chair of their Finance and Audit Committee.
“I’m so pleased to welcome someone of Sandra’s calibre and reputation to our board,” says Graham. “I believe her expertise and experience will ensure that MacEwan continues to have a strong and sustainable financial foundation.”
The board membership includes both public and nominated members of the MacEwan community. Recently appointed and reappointed nominated members include SAMU President Myles Dykes, SAMU students’ councillor Abby Beka and Dr. Rene Wells, assistant professor in the School of Business.