I started in the Student Services department in 1989, and in 2020, my time at MacEwan ended in the service of students as the university's first Student Ombudsperson.

The sheer privilege of working with students, whether they were academically outstanding or struggling, Students' Association leaders, student athletes, peer supporters or club leaders clearly is the highlight of my tenure.

However, the absolute pinnacle was attending the convocation ceremonies. I attended every ceremony between 1989 and 2019, except for one. I always took a great sense of pride in how MacEwan celebrated convocation with the focus on recognizing graduates, their families and friends. The joy — and sometimes sheer panic — as students crossed the stage while their faculty members paid tribute to them was amazing.

The MacEwan community has been not only my employer but has shaped my social life, provided opportunities for professional development, was an excuse for fitness, motivated me to contribute to student success, inspired me to support cultural events, helped me gain an understanding of governmental processes and helped me to grow as a person. Although I'm now retired (for the moment!), I am proud to say that 30 years of my working life were spent at MacEwan.

Thank you, students, staff and faculty of MacEwan University, for all this and much more. 

Cathryn Heslep with nature background— Cathryn Heslep

Since starting at MacEwan in 1989, Cathryn Heslep has held many roles, including registrar, executive director of Student Services, vice-president of Student Services and lastly student ombudsperson.

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