Perform your best, achieve your potential and make the most of your university education. Set yourself up for success by developing effective study strategies and work habits you can use long after you graduate.

Level up your study strategies
Boost your grades and reduce stress with better time management and organization. Learn to take great notes and improve exam performance. Attend a workshop or meet one-on-one for more customized support.
Study Skills
Find smart study spaces
Consider different spaces —on or off campus—to match your study style and the type of work you need to do. In the right environment, you can study longer, retain more information and enhance your overall learning experience.
Study Spaces
Take advantage of support services
Set yourself up for success by accessing services, supports and resources designed to help you succeed academically, build skills for the future and make the most out of your time at university.
Campus Resources

Becoming a successful student

Becoming a successful post-secondary student takes time. You learn the ropes through personal discovery, by considering the experiences of others and by taking advantage of the resources available to you. In these stories, students, staff and faculty share tips and strategies for making a successful transition to university.