With a five-star rating from the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies, it's no wonder our graduates from the Travel and Tourism diploma find jobs at home and around the globe.
Much like globe-trotting travellers who embrace the unexpected, you may find yourself on a career path with many exciting twists and turns. Our alumni have held positions in hotels and hostels, travel agencies and tour companies, cruise lines and corporations.
Here's a sampling of some of the places our graduates have worked, here in Edmonton, across the province and around the globe:
- AMA Travel Services
- Adventure Travel Company
- Courtesy Travel & Cruise
- Edmonton Travel
- Flight Centre
- Marlin Travel
- Uniglobe Travel
- Coast Edmonton Plaza
The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) has detailed occupational profiles, salary survey data, trend reports and assessment tools to help you choose and plan a career that matches your skills and interests.

All courses completed in this program are credit courses and may be transferable toward further study at post-secondary institutions in Alberta.