Community Justice and Corrections professionals contribute to community safety and promote positive growth and change in the individuals they support and supervise. The criminal justice field is diverse, with opportunities to work with adults and youth in all areas of the Canadian criminal justice system.
Our graduates work with adults and youth in a variety of community-based and institutional settings both in criminal justice and human service careers including:
- Group homes and halfway houses
- Prisons or correctional centres
- Probation and parole offices
- Young offender centres
- Border security
- Restorative justice programs
The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) has detailed occupational profiles, salary survey data, trend reports and assessment tools to help you choose and plan a career that matches your skills and interests.

Further study
Once you graduate, consider further study in your field with a MacEwan University degree. All courses in your program are credit courses and may help you finish a second credential in less time.
All courses completed in this program are credit courses and may be transferable toward further study at post-secondary institutions in Alberta.