You understand that the world of business is dynamic, evolving and connected. It relies on strong relationships, thoughtful collaboration and business systems that work. If you are an open-minded, holistic thinker who embraces uncertainty and enjoys solving problems on the fly, this major is for you.

From geo-political risks to the fall out from climate change and the pandemic, we are living in a world that is feeling the effects of food supply disruptions, supply chain shortages, inflation and migration. In this major, you learn to strategically coordinate business functions within an organization and with its supply-chain partners. Using data analysis and a disciplined approach to problem solving, you provide meaningful, workable answers to global business questions.

Graduates with this major are eligible to receive advance standing in the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) designation.

We develop business leaders who understand the importance of viewing a global supply network that is not based on a static formula but on a dynamic ecosystem.
Dr. Rickard Enstroem, Associate Professor

What to expect

In the first two years of the program, you learn the principles that shape general business decisions and specific supply-chain decisions. Courses focus on managing global supply chains, procurement and supply strategies, and business logistics. You learn how to think holistically when analyzing a situation, stepping back from the specifics in order to identify connections and relationships before coordinating a solution.

In the remaining coursework, you learn advanced tools for assessing each business entity as an integral part of a whole. The material includes operations planning, quality management, transportation management, global sourcing and process management.

Program of study


This program of study is open to students in the Bachelor of Commerce. Courses for your major are only one component of your degree. You must complete all courses and requirements outlined in the academic calendar for the year you declare or redeclare your major and minor or the year you are accepted into an Honours program.

Courses & Requirements
Check the academic calendar to find the courses you need to take and the requirements you must fulfill to complete your program.
Academic Calendar

Your future

We are living at a time when global supply networks are continually disrupted. Graduates with a major in supply chain management are in high demand in the workplace.


Generally, students who choose a supply chain management major have already proven themselves to be strong organizers, critical thinkers and good decision makers. These traits are built upon throughout the degree. In the workplace, you will be recognized as a

  • Logical thinker who sees problems clearly.
  • Negotiator who considers diverse points of view.
  • Relationship builder who communicates clearly.
  • Team player who handles stressful situations calmly.

When you graduate with a supply chain management major, you are prepared for work in a number of fields:

  • Procurement
  • Logistics
  • Business intelligence
  • Supply chain consulting
  • Supply chain planning
  • Transportation
  • Information technology
  • Professional purchasing
  • International trade
  • Management positions in transportation, inventory and distribution

When you enter the workforce, you will most likely begin in a junior role and work your way up through an organization’s structure. Some of the areas you might work in, or titles you might be assigned, include:

  • Logistics: Logistics specialist, fulfilment manager, international logistics consultant, global trade director
  • Procurement: Procurement specialist, category manager, contract analyst, global sourcing manager
  • General supply chain: Project manager, supply chain planner, demand planner, product development and innovation, research and development director
  • Business intelligence: ERP (enterprise resource planning) developer, data scientist/analyst, software manager

We recommend these resources to learn more about working in the field of supply chain management:

The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) has detailed occupational profiles, salary survey data, trend reports and assessment tools to help you choose and plan a career that matches your skills and interests.

Our students graduate with the ability to embrace an uncertain and disruptive future.
Dr. Joong Son, Associate professor

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Become a Supply Chain Management Professional

The SCMP designation provides applied learning opportunities and lets your employer know your commitment to excellence, ethics and professionalism.

Learn About SCMP Designation
Academic advising
Academic advisors in the School of Business have prepared program planning resources to help you understand degree requirements.