The Office of the Dean supports the overall strategic goals and administrative activities of the Faculty. This work includes supporting student success and a meaningful, learner-focused student experience.


Christy Raymond

Dr. Christy Raymond

PhD (Alberta); RN
Dean, Faculty of Nursing
Professor, Department of Integrative Nursing Systems


Dr. Christy Raymond is an experienced educator, researcher and administrator, having worked in various areas of nursing postsecondary education for over 20 years. Christy has taught extensively in continuing, baccalaureate, and graduate nursing education, supervised graduate students and mentored numerous educators over her career. With a special interest in the development of nurse educator capabilities, Christy has delivered various keynote addresses, co-published a fundamentals of nursing textbook utilized by local health authorities, and offered various faculty development sessions related to her areas of expertise.

Dr. Raymond has a diverse research program, exploring dually nursing education and nursing practice from the lens of the educator and nurse, respectively. More specifically, Christy is engaged in CIHR and SSHRC funded work studying nurse staffing and its impact on care outcomes; as well as innovating nursing education practices to increase the learning of future nurses. Christy also actively engages in scholarship of teaching and learning projects specific to nurse educators’ abilities to create meaningful learning environments for students in clinical learning environments. Christy has been a strong advocate for nursing research in Canada, recently serving the Canadian Association for Nursing Research (CANR) as Interim President.

Throughout her administrative experience, Dr. Raymond has led various nursing programs spanning different institutions, demonstrating expertise in academic program development, implementation and evaluation. Practicing from a relational and caring approach, Christy has received a number of awards for her teaching and leadership, recognizing her outstanding abilities and commitment to excellence in creating inclusive, student-centered nursing education.

Dr. Jill Vihos

PhD (Alberta); RN; BScN; MN
Associate Dean, Faculty of Nursing
Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Nursing Systems


Dr. Jill Vihos is an experienced nursing educator and academic administrator. Inspired by advancing student-centered education and promoting excellence in nursing practice, she values invigorating curiosity, inquiry, and supportive learning environments to facilitate learner achievement and confidence. Her acute care surgical nursing practice led to teaching roles in clinical, classroom, and laboratory learning in baccalaureate nursing education programs. Building knowledge and experience in these roles served as a path to academic administration where she has fulfilled positions including teaching team lead, program coordinator, and department chair. Guided by authentic and transformational leadership principles, she strives to establish cultures of respect, integrity, and appreciation to inspire excellence in all team members.

Dr. Vihos research pursuits are informed by teaching experiences and care for learner success. Her program of research focuses on learner experiences and relationships in the context of emerging technologies in nursing education. She has served as principal investigator and coinvestigator on studies including nursing student clinical judgement, headset-based virtual reality learning experiences, open-educational resources, and animal assisted intervention. Her further contributions to scholarship include peer review for academic journals and nursing textbooks. Jill eagerly embraces opportunity in teaching, research, and leadership to evolve teaching practices to challenge and prepare learners to innovate and lead in professional nursing practice.


Clinical Placement Team

If you wish to speak with someone regarding clinical placement, please email clinical.placement@macewan.ca.