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- Winter 2023 35th Anniversary Issue
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- Fall 2012/Winter 2013 25th Anniversary Issue
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- Fall 2009/Winter 2010
About Ukraine
These ten short films bring to life some of the most meaningful Ukrainian stories. Each stories is unique, but together, they tell the story of Ukraine.
Like most Eastern European countries, Ukraine is rather young—having declared its independence in 1991. This free, online course introduces you to the history, culture and society of Ukraine from the Middle Ages to the present.
Ukraїner tells amazing stories about people, places, art and business in Ukraine. There are also opportunities to learn about what different regions in Ukraine are engaged in and to shop for unique gifts.
The Ukrainian Institute is a public institution of Ukraine that represents Ukrainian culture in the world and forms a positive image of Ukraine abroad. The institute was founded by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2017 and is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s global voice since 1995, the KyivPost News features news, opinion and lifestyle articles and much more.
Learn about trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Canada, consular issues, services available to travelers and how to get in touch with Embassy staff.
The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) is a prominent centre of Ukrainian studies outside Ukraine and an integral part of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta. Since 1976, the Institute has been bringing Ukrainian studies and knowledge about Ukraine into the North American scholarly mainstream. Four decades of accomplishments have helped define the direction and pace of development of Ukrainian studies not only in North America, but also in Europe and Ukraine. This development has not only connected academic communities, but also helped give the University of Alberta a national and international presence and reputation.
The three main research areas within the Institute are Ukrainian-Canadian Studies, Ukrainian Studies and Ukrainian Language Pedagogical Resources. Within these three areas, the Institute has cultivated working relationships with academic institutes and scholars both abroad and throughout Canada. Please check CIUS’ centres and programs, awards and publications.
The Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) is an integral part of Harvard University and is the leading academic institution in the United States dedicated to the support of scholarship and dissemination of knowledge about Ukraine and its neighboring Eastern European countries.
Find out about upcoming displays and collections, both onsite and virtual, as well as events and courses about Ukrainian and Canadian history, culture and current issues.
Discover the programs, courses and awards available to members of the University of Manitoba community, all designed to create, preserve and communicate Ukrainian Canadian culture and scholarship. This centre has a number of staff, volunteers, instructors and researchers engaged in activities, all enhancing the local Ukrainian community experience.
This university’s campus is located in the Podil neighborhood of Kyiv, Ukraine, and offers degree and non-degree programs, certificates and research opportunities. The many historical buildings on campus house libraries, cultural centres and athletic facilities.
UCU is a unique campus environment that offers programs and courses designed to create leaders who will, upon graduation, serve with professional excellence and embrace Eastern Christian values. There is a focus in the campus community on ethics, human values and meaningful relationships with others.
The Cоюз Українськoгo Студентства Канади” (CУСК), “Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union” or “Union des Étudiants Ukrainiens Canadiens” is a non-profit body of Ukrainian Students’ Organizations (USOs) at post-secondary institutions across Canada. Originally formed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, this group helps bring together students from across Canada to engage in events and activities promoting Ukrainian language and culture. The group also helps foster cooperation and understanding with other members of local Ukrainian communities.
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) works with the Government of Canada to provide a voice for and to bring forth issues of concern to Ukrainian Canadians. The organization’s goal is to help shape Canada’s social, economic and political landscape by representing one of its largest ethnic communities.
The UCC-APC officially represents over 300,000 Ukrainian Canadians in Alberta, demonstrating and acting as a voice for this group to the Government of Alberta. The UCC-APC works to show the diversity of Ukrainians in Alberta, coordinate cultural and educational activities, develop programs and ensure their needs are being properly communicated to local government leaders.
The Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko is a not-for-profit foundation that provides scholarships, bursaries, awards and funding to individuals and groups that promote Ukrainian Canadian culture, heritage, and identity. The Foundation also provides leadership in building and sustaining a permanent endowment fund.
The Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) coordinates and develops assistance projects generated by Canadians that are directed to improve the lives of people in Ukraine. Projects involve health care, education, social justice and awareness raising about the Holodomor famine.
The ACUA is a non-profit organization that highlights and promotes local Ukrainian art, festivals, exhibitions and special historical projects. The ACUA is also home to a gallery and artisan boutique with many items available for sale to the public.
URDC is an endowed Centre established in 1988 by the Board of Governors of Grant MacEwan College passing a motion that URDC would be a component of Grant MacEwan College, now MacEwan University. The Centre is committed to cultural mindfulness, relationship building and intercultural dialogue.
In collaboration with MacEwan Faculties and Schools, community organizations, external agencies, post-secondary institutions and government, URDC develops, coordinates and/or supports innovative educational and cultural collaborations that mutually benefit MacEwan and its partners in Canada and Ukraine. Such collaborations strategically utilize experiences and expertise of MacEwan’s students, staff and faculty as well as financial resources, including those provided by the Ukrainian Foundation for College Education (UFCE). The Centre advances student-, faculty- and community-engaged research; transformative learning experiences through on- and off-campus educational opportunities; faculty and student exchanges; and development projects. Its international and global education initiatives are aligned with the work of MacEwan International, when possible.
Visionary collaborations
This documentary celebrates the life and work of URDC's first director, Dr. Roman Petryshyn. He advanced multiculturalism and ethnocultural inclusion in Canada, undertook community development initiatives in Canada and Ukraine and was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada. His career demonstrates his tireless commitment to making the world a better place for all.