The Centre for Teaching and Learning provides leadership, guidance and support for faculty. Through professional development sessions, personalized consultations and dynamic learning communities, you can refine your teaching methods while engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We also offer training and resources to enhance digital learning environments.

Professional development opportunities
Discover how to apply evidence-based research in your classroom using alternative assessments, student engagement strategies, generative AI for higher education and more.
instructor pointing to screen with class watching Program Schedule
Our vision is to be a transformative leader in exemplary teaching, empowering educators to explore and deliver impactful learning experiences.
Excerpt from vision statement
Read our monthly newsletter

Find out about new and upcoming program sessions, classroom best practices, special events and more. Wherever your interests lie, we are here to meet your needs.

Current issue
Nominate exceptional faculty

Nominations for the 2025 MacEwan Teaching Awards are open and close January 31. Recognize a faculty member in one of four categories: Distinguished Teaching, Teaching Leadership, Sessional Teaching, Early Career.

Learn more
mêskanâs training
paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs, often shortened to mêskanâs, is MacEwan’s digital learning environment. If you have questions or want to learn to use it more effectively, we have you covered.
group of people at computers around table Learn more

Vision, values, mission

Learn about the our commitment to transformative education and teaching excellence, the values that guide our work and our approach to developing programs and resources.

Who we are