
MacEwan University has an institutional license for NVivo, a computer software program that assists researchers to manage, analyze and visualize qualitative data and documents systematically and individually.

This license provides free access to NVivo for eligible MacEwan users, with up to ten users able to access NVivo at one time.

Acceptable use guidelines

Eligible MacEwan users

Eligible MacEwan users include:

  • MacEwan faculty who hold an active full-time faculty appointment that contains a research component in their workload
  • MacEwan faculty who have a computer issued from their department. Note that NVivo software can only be put on a MacEwan computer purchased from your home department and that has a MacEwan asset tag.

Policies and terms of use

MacEwan-licensed NVivo is for professional use only. Personal use is strictly prohibited. If you are eligible or have been granted access to use NVivo, you are responsible for being knowledgeable of, and abiding by, the following policies and terms of use.

By using the NVivo, you will:

  1. Ensure compliance with related university policies and guidelines, which include, but are not limited to the following:
  2. Obtain necessary ethical reviews and approvals before conducting any data collection and analyses. All research data collection must adhere to Research Ethics Board (REB) guidelines. Users are required to abide by the policy statements outlined in the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2). Users are strongly encouraged to review the TCPS2 on how to apply these core principles (special attention is given to voluntary informed consent, and expectation of privacy with respect to recruitment, participation, data storage, and the disclosure of results).
  3. Ensure copyright and legal compliance.

Access NVivo

  1. Go to the MacEwan Help Centre and log in.
  2. Click on “Get Help” and then click on “Technology Support”.
  3. Click on the badge that says “Request for NVivo/SPSS/Maple”.
  4. Fill in the online request, which asks you to provide your MacEwan asset tag and the type of software (NVivo) you are requesting access for.

How to use NVivo

Eligible MacEwan users are encouraged to get started and learn more about using NVivo using Lumivero’s support, which is accessible on the Lumivero website.