Through SSHRC Institutional Grants (SIG), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council funds Canadian post-secondary institutions to fund small-scale scholarship and scholarship-related activities internally and externally. SIG funds are intended to help strengthen research and creative excellence in the social sciences and humanities and is administered by MacEwan University through an internal merit review process.

SSHRC Institutional Grants (SIG) Amount: $7000

Sample application

SIG funds, which align with the three SSHRC activity pillars—talent, insight and connection, are categorized as:

SSHRC Explore Grants

  • Support social sciences and humanities researchers at any stage of their careers
  • Allow for small-scale innovation and experimentation, such as project development and pilot studies
  • Support hiring student trainees as Highly Qualified Personnel

SSHRC Exchange Grants

  • Support small-scale knowledge mobilization activities, such as workshops and seminars
  • Encourage research collaboration and dissemination within and beyond the academic community
  • Allow researchers to attend or present at scholarly conferences and other dissemination venues that align with SSHRC's mandate
  • Advance careers through the exchange of ideas and research results nationally and internationally


Apply for a SSHRC Institutional Grant by following these steps:

  1. Log in to PeopleSoft.
  2. Choose the Research tile.
  3. Navigate to the My Grant Application page and select SSHRC Institutional Grant from the list of awards. Choose Start a New Application to begin a new application. Applications that have already been started can also be accessed from this screen.

Note: SSHRC Institutional Grant will only show up in the list when applications are open.

Deadline: October 1 | Duration: One year | Tenured and tenure-track faculty members