Nomination of Chancellor
The chancellor serves as the ceremonial head of the university, elected by MacEwan’s Board of Governors to a four-year term. This voluntary role is vital in bringing an external perspective to MacEwan and supporting our commitment to Teaching Greatness.
MacEwan University is pleased to launch the search for our next chancellor, a pivotal role that bridges the university with the wider community. With Chancellor Tony Fields completing his term as our inaugural chancellor in June 2025, nominations are now being accepted for this esteemed position.
The election of the chancellor is guided by the Post-secondary Learning Act.
Nominations for MacEwan University's second Chancellor are now closed. Our Chancellor-elect will be announced in mid-June 2025.
Appointment process
Nomination packages must be sent to the Office of University Governance. Nominations must be mailed or emailed to governance@macewan.ca no later than noon Mountain Standard Time on February 28, 2025.
Candidates selected for an interview will be notified in late March 2025. These candidates must be available for an in-person interview with the Chancellor Joint Committee on April 16 or 17, 2025.
The Chancellor Joint Committee will nominate candidate(s) for election by the Board of Governors.
The MacEwan University Board of Governors receives the name(s) of candidate(s) from the Chancellor Joint Committee and elects the successful candidate on June 12, 2025.
All other nominees will be notified of the results by the Committee Chair.
An announcement is made to the University community sharing the result of the Chancellor Appointment in mid-June 2025.
The Chancellor-Elect is installed as the second Chancellor of MacEwan University at an intimate ceremony in July 2025.
Nomination materials
The following materials must be included in a submission for it to be considered:
- Nomination Form and Nominee Consent Form
- A letter outlining the nominees interest in the Chancellorship
- A letter of nomination detailing why the nominee would make an outstanding Chancellor
- A biographical summary and/or resumé that includes educational, career and community history and accomplishments
- Two letters of support from referees that illustrate the nominee’s suitability for the role
Nominations must be emailed to governance@macewan.ca no later than February 28, 2025.
Chancellor Joint Committee
Membership in the Chancellor Joint Committee is established by section 7(3) of the Post-Secondary Learning Act. These are our current committee members:
Carolyn Graham | Chair, Grant MacEwan University Board of Governors Chair, Chancellor Joint Committee |
Victor Cui | Public Board member |
Cynthia Onyegbula | Public Board member |
Annette Trimbee | President and Vice-Chancellor, MacEwan University Chair, General Faculties Council |
Ion Bica | General Faculties Council |
Paul Kerr | General Faculties Council |
Inez Agovic | Alumni Advisory Council |
Karen Jeu | Alumni Advisory Council |
Carley Jewell | Alumni Advisory Council |
Sonia Yusuf | Students’ Association |
TBC | Students’ Association |

For questions regarding the chancellor appointment process, contact the Office of University Governance at governance@macewan.ca.