Our alumni awards honour the trendsetters, innovators and leaders who started their journey at MacEwan University. Help us celebrate MacEwan alumni who are doing great things in their professions and communities.
Nomination process
If you know a MacEwan graduate who deserves recognition, we want to hear from you. Awards are presented annually, and nominations are accepted anytime. Nominations will be considered for up to three years and are presented at our spring Alumni Awards reception.
Recognizing the outstanding achievements of our alumni begins with a well-prepared nomination. Your nomination helps the Alumni Awards Selection Committee make well-informed decisions about your nominee’s accomplishments.
Follow these steps to nominate a deserving alum.
Check eligibility criteria
Before completing a nomination form, ensure your nominee fits our definition of “alumni.” A MacEwan alumni is “a person who has received a ministry-approved credential OR a continuing education certificate OR a certificate of achievement with support from Inclusive Post-Secondary Education OR has successfully completed 30 credits of a formal transfer program from the university.”
- Alumni who are nominated for a Distinguished Alumni or Emerging Leader Award must exhibit exceptional leadership qualities and a profound dedication to serving others within their professional organizations, community or through mentorship that surpass regular work performance expectations.
- Self-nominations are not accepted.
- Awards are not awarded posthumously and are only awarded to individuals. Organizations, associations or businesses are not eligible.
- MacEwan Faculty and staff are eligible.
- Current members of the Alumni Advisory Council, MacEwan’s Board of Governors, and members of public office are not eligible.
MacEwan University is committed to fostering the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion within our community. We welcome and encourage nominations from Indigenous peoples, racialized persons, visible minorities, women, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, and members of all equity-deserving groups. We believe that the diversity of our alumni, students, staff and faculty serves as a strength of our institution and benefits society. We are committed to ensuring full and inclusive participation for all in our community.
Decide which award suits your nominee best
The Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honour awarded by the Alumni Office. This award recognizes individuals for exceptional leadership in their communities and professional organizations and who make a positive impact and inspire others.
To be nominated for a Distinguished Alumni Award the nominee must:
- Be recognized for their exceptional leadership qualities and commitment to serving others within their professional organizations, community, or mentorship
- Be an active contributor to the social, cultural and economic well-being of society
- Have made a positive impact within their profession, community or society and continues to inspire others
The Emerging Leader Award acknowledges recent graduates who have shown notable achievements within their profession and community.
To be nominated for an Emerging Leader Award the nominee must:
- Be a recent graduate of MacEwan University
- Have made significant achievements in their profession
- Be recognized as an emerging leader through their professional and voluntary accomplishments
Gather information and letters of endorsement
Your nomination consists of two parts: an online form and letters of endorsement.
In the online nomination form, you provide details about your nominee’s accomplishments, including their professional, academic and community involvement. Where possible, descibe awards and recognition they have received as well as any other notable qualities that set them apart from their peers that make them a great nominee for an alumni award.
Items that will not be accepted include news articles, links to websites or videos, photographs, resumes, and lists of academic publications.
Gather details before you complete the online form, so you can fully respond to each question. We've provided you with a list of the questions so you will know what to expect when you open the form.
At the end of the nomination form, you are asked to attach letters of endorsement. It’s essential that these endorsements come from individuals within the nominee’s community or profession, as their perspectives add credibility and depth to your nomination and showcase why the nominee is deserving of recognition.
Your letters need to be in a single PDF file that you upload after you have completed the online nomination form.