Access to Information

Some general MacEwan records, an individual's own personal records, or correction of incorrect personal information can be requested informally through direct communications with the university office responsible for the information and completed by established procedures.

Requests for records that may contain someone else’s personal information, sensitive, or confidential information can be made through a formal Requests to Access Information. All formal requests must be sent to the MacEwan University Information and Privacy Office. The normal 30-day timeline for responding will not begin until your request—including any and all applicable documents—is received in the Information and Privacy Office.

MacEwan University will make every reasonable effort to assist in gathering requested information, review and redact information in accordance with the Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP Act”).

Public request forms can be found in the Forms page, and MacEwan employees can find forms in the Forms Cabinet in

Additional FOIP-Related Information for Students

Please see the front section of the MacEwan Academic Calendar for detailed information on the Alberta FOIP Act, access to information and protection of privacy, and the use and disclosure of your personal information by MacEwan.

Please note that transcripts should be requested from the Office of the Registrar through Request Transcripts.