Hazardous Materials Management
When hazardous materials are used or are present on campus, specific protocols must be followed, including keeping an up-to-date and accurate inventory of the materials and ensuring proper signage is in place.
Hazardous Materials Inventory System (H-MIS)
Information on all biohazardous or chemical hazardous materials present on campus must be included in the Hazardous Materials Inventory System (H-MIS).
If you are logged in to your MacEwan Google account, you will see the H-MIS table below. If you are not logged in to your account, go to and enter your login credentials to access the table. Instructions on how to update H-MIS information are included below the table.
Follow these directions to find, record, remove or modify information in the H-MIS.
- Search using the drop-down lists (Department/Division, Campus, Room(s) and/or by material name.)
- Click on Get info to access SDS/MSDS/PSDS.
- Click on Get Label to access the Google sheet label, which includes the following: unique ID, material name, room, location in the room and additional requirements. Feel free to modify the labels to suit your needs.
To submit new hazardous biological and/or chemical materials that will be worked with and/or stored at MacEwan, use the Hazardous Material Inventory System (H-MIS) form.
- Open the Hazardous Material Inventory System (H-MIS) Google Sheet.
- Enter your MacEwan login credentials and log in.
- You will be able to modify the following columns: P, Q, S, T.
- For all other modifications, including the deletion of chemicals, please insert an instructional comment in Column C. To insert a comment:
- Right-click on the cell of choice.
- Select “comment” from the drop as shown below.
- When adding your comments, start by typing and then your comment/instructions.
- Select the “Assign to” check box.
- If you write “Delete” for a chemical, the entire row will be deleted. If you want a single cell deleted or revised, please state that in your comment.
The transfer and/or receipt of hazardous (biological, chemical) materials is governed by the federally regulated Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act and must be arranged with a TDG-certified carrier. All individuals involved in packaging, transfer and/or receipt of hazardous materials at MacEwan must have valid TDG certification. If you require this training, consider taking The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety online TDG training.
This course provides an overview of MacEwan’s WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), including classification rules, hazard groups, hazard pictograms and labels and Material Safety Data Sheets. All employees working with or around WHMIS 1988/2015 regulated chemicals are required to complete this course.
This course takes 2 hours to complete.

Hazard signage
Accurate and consistent hazard signage allows MacEwan faculty, staff, students, first responders and other persons to effectively identify hazardous materials within an area. Signs must be posted on the outside door to any room containing biological, chemical or physical hazards with access via a public corridor.
Health, Safety and Environment maintains a database of information on all hazard signage at MacEwan.
Order or update hazard signage
If you need to update existing signage or order new signs, you need to complete the Hazard Sign Request form. After completing the form, you will receive an email with a link to a template and instructions for creating and installing your hazard signage.
Sample hazard signs
Here are two examples of what a hazard sign may look like.