Applied Statistics MAJOR

When you major in applied statistics, you analyze and explore information from different angles, finding the stories hidden in the data. You identify patterns and trends in sets of numbers and draw them out to help people understand the world around them.

Medicine, psychology, biology, economics, sports, industry, government—these are just a few of the fields that rely on the analytical skills of statisticians. Principles of probability theory and statistics are also used to make decisions in the insurance industry, the financial world and in engineering.

Career Ideas

What to expect

When you take introductory courses, you explore the foundations of mathematics and statistics—calculus, algebra, probability theory and data analysis. In your second year, you deepen your understanding of the power of statistics and its versatility.

In your third year, you choose from several applied statistics courses, where you learn to use statistical methods and models and to design tools for analyzing samples. You find real data with the help of a data librarian and discover the practical applications of statistics.

In the final year, you tie everything together when you complete a consultation project, supporting real-world clients with the statistical knowledge they need for their research.

Courses and requirements

This major is open to students in the Bachelor of Science. Courses for your major are only one component of the degree requirements you need to graduate. To see all courses required for the major, check the program of study in the academic calendar.

Requirements can change from year to year. You will follow the program of study outlined in MacEwan University's Academic Calendar for the year you declare your major/minor or the year you are accepted into an honours program.

Courses & Requirements
Check the academic calendar to find the courses you need to take and the requirements you must fulfill to complete your program.
Academic Calendar
Declare your major/minor

Academic advisors in the Faculty of Arts and Science have prepared resources to help you understand how your major/minor fits within overall degree coursework. Consult the academic planning information to choose and enrol in courses and complete the major/minor declaration process.